Explore new markets and expand your business through point-to-point implementation and key
business processes
AI for
effective business
Increase operational efficiency and reduce costs
  • Free up employees' time by automating routine tasks with AI, which will allow them to focus on more strategic and creative tasks.
  • Implement assistant bots in the workplace, using AI to speed up tasks and improve overall productivity.
  • Automates many processes within the company using AI, which will reduce the need for manual work and reduce transaction costs.
  • Use data analytics and AI to optimize production processes and reduce production cycle time, which will increase operational efficiency.
Speed up the decision-making process
  • Optimize the flow of information using AI for a centralized data collection and analysis system.
  • Use AI in the data analytics system to quickly access the necessary information and create analytical reports.
  • Implement an automated notification system using AI to quickly respond to urgent questions and updates.
  • Use AI to define clear criteria and decision-making frameworks to prevent unnecessary delays and disputes.
Increase your competitiveness
  • Use AI to analyze the market and competitors to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business and develop effective strategies.
  • Implement automation of production processes using AI to increase productivity, reduce costs and improve product quality.
  • Develop personalized recommendations for customers using AI to improve the customer experience and retain them.
  • Use analytical capabilities to forecast demand for goods and services, which will improve production planning and inventory accounting.
Open up new opportunities for your business
  • Use data analytics and AI to research the market and identify new needs or niches that can become a source of new ideas and business opportunities.
  • To introduce innovations and research into the processes in order to accelerate the development of new products and services, as well as optimize their functionality and competitiveness.
  • Use data analysis and AI to identify market segments with high growth potential and develop marketing strategies aimed at attracting new customers.
  • Use AI in research and development to find new ways to improve production processes, optimize logistics and reduce the time to bring products to market.
Increase customer loyalty
  • Create a personalized service experience with And analyzing customer data to offer customized recommendations and promotions, taking into account preferences and purchase history.
  • Implement chatbots and virtual assistants using AI for prompt and round-the-clock customer service, providing fast and accurate answers to their requests.
  • Use data analytics and AI to predict customer churn and take retention measures, such as offering individual discounts or loyalty programs.
  • Use AI to analyze customer feedback and identify service bottlenecks to improve service quality and customer satisfaction.
With the help of our ready-made solutions, AI will see your company's data and influence the significant acceleration of processes within it, performing specific tasks and automating your processes.
Our expertise in the field of data protection will allow us to do this completely in a safe environment and with a guarantee of data confidentiality
Based on your needs, we have created a set of assistants with ready-made functionality.
They will tell you about their skills and what exactly they can be useful for you
My name is Lexi
I am an expert in sales and customer service.
My task is to free up a person's time for really important negotiations and large clients.

I will sell your goods and services to customers, having 100% information about the company, products, their availability in stock and the entire history of your customers' requests. My difference from a person is that I can conduct simultaneous correspondence with thousands of clients simultaneously 24/7 in any communication channels, tirelessly and always in a great mood!

In addition, I can be technical support, analyze all customer requests, automate the management of the sales funnel.
How have I helped other companies:
Conducted correspondence with voice messages
Automated lead management
Lowered the average response time to customer requests to 1 minute
Advised sales staff on closing customer objections
Notified employees about important events and tasks related to clients
Write to me and I will tell you how I can help you
Did cross-sales based on personal recommendations of products and services to customers
My name is Maxim
I am a business coach and will help with the training of your team.
My task is to find the perfect training plan for your team and monitor all the processes in it.

I will create an individual training plan, taking into account the needs of your team and the goals of your business. My training methods are based on advanced strategies and techniques that will help your team develop and achieve success.

In addition, I will monitor the progress and learning outcomes, provide feedback and adjust the plan if necessary. My mission is to ensure the high professional competence of your team and increase its efficiency within the framework of business processes.
How have I helped other companies:
Automatically checked completed homework assignments of employees
Analyzed and evaluated the skills and competencies of employees.
Monitored and analyzed trends and innovations in the field of business training
Automated the feedback process for employees
Created reports and analytical data on the process of training and development of employees.
Notified employees about important events and tasks related to clients
Write to Lexi, she will tell you how I can help you
My name is Ava
I am a marketing and PR expert.
My task is to take over the whole routine so that a person does what he does best: creativity and strategy.

I will determine the most effective promotion channels by analyzing your customers and writing advertising texts for them, as well as creating banners. Using my analysis skill, I will help with setting up targeting, contextual advertising and will automatically create reports on the results.

In addition, I can help with the decomposition of the advertising budget, provide calculations on performance indicators and keep up to date with all the news in the world of marketing.
How have I helped other companies:
Notified about new trends and helped with the development of a marketing strategy
Automated Instagram management: I wrote posts and created pictures for them according to the content plan that I made myself
Analyzed the company's social networks and revealed the general mood of the audience towards the brand
Segmented the audience and offered a way to influence each segment
Monitored marketing metrics (ROI, CPC, CTR, etc.) and notified about critical indicators
Personalized emails for email marketing
Write to Lexi, she will tell you how I can help you
My name is Eva
I'm a human resources assistant.
My task is to take on routine tasks in order to free up time for a person to communicate with employees.

I automate the process of selecting candidates and analyzing their resumes, provide hiring recommendations. I also help in the development of the best offer in accordance with the requirements of the market.

In addition to hiring, I help automate employee evaluation processes, conduct periodic evaluations and identify ways to develop them. I also help manage employee training and development processes.
How have I helped other companies:
Analyzed employee data and compiled a report on their performance
Monitor employees' working hours and notify supervisors
Notified employees about birthdays and offered gift ideas based on their preferences
Conducted anonymous surveys and determined the level of satisfaction and motivation of employees
Helped to create a training and development plan for each employee, analyzing his success and growth rate
Monitored and analyzed staff turnover, identifying the reasons for leaving
Write to Lexi, she will tell you how I can help you
My name is Alexander
I am a logistics, supply and inventory management assistant.
My task is to help you optimize your work processes, increase work efficiency and reduce costs.

I automate many processes for inventory management, procurement and logistics, and also provide an analysis of the effectiveness of all processes.

I can be your personal assistant, notify you of important events, depletion of stocks and advise on purchases.
How have I helped other companies:
Conducted automatic inventory monitoring and notified managers in a timely manner
Determined the optimal levels of inventory
Analyzed the demand for goods and materials
Automatically generated orders and documentation for purchases
Controlled and optimized the costs of warehouse maintenance, logistics and procurement
Write to Lexi, she will tell you how I can help you
Напишите Лекси, она расскажет чем я могу помочь именно вам
My name is Adam
I am a specialist in business process automation.
My task is to automate as many routine processes as possible to speed up your business.

I can automate almost any processes within the company that require only mechanical human actions. This can be CPM system management, mailbox filtering, mailing lists, notifications, project management and much more.

I can also automate document flow within your company, including document generation.
How have I helped other companies:
Automated document flow
Automatic project management by monitoring deadlines, requirements and notifying all performers
Automatic correction of errors in working documents
Automated control of the correct management of the CRM system
Automatic management of work accounts and accesses in the work environment
Automation of marketing operations between systems and services (mailing, file conversion, uploads, etc.)
Write to Lexi, she will tell you how I can help you
My name is Victor
I am a personal assistant analyst for top managers.
My task is to free up as much of your time as possible for making strategic decisions.

I own all the company's information about productivity, finances, news, changes and provide the necessary information instantly. I can also issue a response in the format you need.

In addition, I am a personal assistant for you and will help with the organization of meetings, control of personal affairs. With me, you will be able to achieve a work-life balance without losing the effectiveness of your work.
How have I helped other companies:
Planned and managed work meetings
Provided all necessary reports on finances, projects, productivity of departments, etc.
Kept up to date on important changes and developments in the market
Automatically compiled the necessary documents according to the specified standards
Notified about the achievement or non-fulfillment of the set business goals
Tracked and offered participation in the most interesting profile events
Write to Lexi, she will tell you how I can help you
My name is Elena
Finance assistant.
My task is to free up your time for planning, complex calculations and contracts. And also to minimize the human factor in data verification.

I have knowledge of many international standards for conducting financial transactions. reporting and control, legislation of the CIS countries, as well as all digital data of financial transactions and indicators of the company. I will help with reports, calculations and take on routine tasks.

I can also be your personal assistant to control all important deadlines, organize meetings and plan business trips
How have I helped other companies:
Automatically compiled and sent invoices to clients and partners
Проверяла корректность заполнения данных в составленных отчетах
Автоматически высчитывала зарплаты сотрудников с учетом больничных и пропусков
Своевременно уведомляла об изменениях в законодательстве и обязательных выплатах
Вела учет и контроль расходов, документов на командировки и деловые поездки
Составляла финансовые отчеты в соответствии с МСФО
Write to Lexi, she will tell you how I can help you
They will tell you about their skills and what exactly they can be useful for you
I am an expert in sales and customer service.
My task is to free up a person's time for really important negotiations and large clients.
How have I helped other companies:
My name is Lexi
Conducted correspondence with voice messages
Automated lead management
Lowered the average response time to customer requests to 1 minute
Did cross-sales based on personal recommendations of products and services to customers
Advised sales staff on closing customer objections
Notified employees about important events and tasks related to clients
I will sell your goods and services to customers, having 100% information about the company, products, their availability in stock and the entire history of your customers' requests. My difference from a person is that I can conduct simultaneous correspondence with thousands of clients simultaneously 24/7 in any communication channels, tirelessly and always in a great mood!
In addition, I can be technical support, analyze all customer requests, automate the management of the sales funnel.
I am a business coach and will help with the training of your team.
My task is to find the perfect training plan for your team and monitor all the processes in it.
My name is Maxim
How have I helped other companies:
Automatically checked completed homework assignments of employees
Monitored and analyzed trends and innovations in the field of business training
Created reports and analytical data on the process of training and development of employees.
Automated the feedback process for employees
Analyzed and evaluated the skills and competencies of employees.
I will create an individual training plan, taking into account the needs of your team and the goals of your business. My training methods are based on advanced strategies and techniques that will help your team develop and achieve success.
In addition, I will monitor the progress and learning outcomes, provide feedback and adjust the plan if necessary. My mission is to ensure the high professional competence of your team and increase its efficiency within the framework of business processes.
I am a marketing and PR expert.
My task is to take over the whole routine so that a person does what he does best: creativity and strategy.
How have I helped other companies:
My name is Ava
Notified about new trends and helped with the development of a marketing strategy
Monitored marketing metrics (ROI, CPC, CTR, etc.) and notified about critical indicators
Analyzed the company's social networks and revealed the general mood of the audience towards the brand
Automated Instagram management: I wrote posts and created pictures for them according to the content plan that I made myself
Segmented the audience and offered a way to influence each segment
Personalized emails for email marketing
I will determine the most effective promotion channels by analyzing your customers and writing advertising texts for them, as well as creating banners. Using my analysis skill, I will help with setting up targeting, contextual advertising and will automatically create reports on the results.
In addition, I can help with the decomposition of the advertising budget, provide calculations on performance indicators and keep up to date with all the news in the world of marketing.
I'm a human resources assistant.
My task is to take on routine tasks in order to free up time for a person to communicate with employees.
How have I helped other companies:
My name is Eva
Analyzed employee data and compiled a report on their performance
Notified employees about birthdays and offered gift ideas based on their preferences
Monitored and analyzed staff turnover, identifying the reasons for leaving
Conducted anonymous surveys and determined the level of satisfaction and motivation of employees
Monitor employees' working hours and notify supervisors
Helped to create a training and development plan for each employee, analyzing his success and growth rate
I automate the process of selecting candidates and analyzing their resumes, provide hiring recommendations. I also help in the development of the best offer in accordance with the requirements of the market.
In addition to hiring, I help automate employee evaluation processes, conduct periodic evaluations and identify ways to develop them. I also help manage employee training and development processes.
I am a logistics, supply and inventory management assistant.
My task is to help you optimize your work processes, increase work efficiency and reduce costs.
How have I helped other companies:
My name is Alexander
Conducted automatic inventory monitoring and notified managers in a timely manner
Automatically generated orders and documentation for purchases
Controlled and optimized the costs of warehouse maintenance, logistics and procurement
Determined the optimal levels of inventory
Analyzed the demand for goods and materials
Identified anomalies in the consumption of stocks - the volume of purchases
I automate many processes for inventory management, procurement and logistics, and also provide an analysis of the effectiveness of all processes.
I can be your personal assistant, notify you of important events, depletion of stocks and advise on purchases.
I am a specialist in business process automation.
My task is to automate as many routine processes as possible to speed up your business.
How have I helped other companies:
My name is Adam
Automated document flow
Automated control of the correct management of the CRM system
Automatic correction of errors in working documents
Automatic project management by monitoring deadlines, requirements and notifying all performers
Automation of marketing operations between systems and services (mailing, file conversion, uploads, etc.)
Automatic management of work accounts and accesses in the work environment
I can automate almost any processes within the company that require only mechanical human actions. This can be CPM system management, mailbox filtering, mailing lists, notifications, project management and much more.
I can also automate document flow within your company, including document generation.
I am a personal assistant analyst for top managers.
My task is to free up as much of your time as possible for making strategic decisions.
Чем я помогла другим компаниям:
My name is Victor
Planned and managed work meetings
Provided all necessary reports on finances, projects, productivity of departments, etc.
Kept up to date on important changes and developments in the market
Automatically compiled the necessary documents according to the specified standards
Notified about the achievement or non-fulfillment of the set business goals
Tracked and offered participation in the most interesting profile events
I own all the company's information about productivity, finances, news, changes and provide the necessary information instantly. I can also issue a response in the format you need.
In addition, I am a personal assistant for you and will help with the organization of meetings, control of personal affairs. With me, you will be able to achieve a work-life balance without losing the effectiveness of your work.
Finance assistant.
My task is to free up your time for planning, complex calculations and contracts. And also to minimize the human factor in data verification.
How have I helped other companies:
My name is Elena
Automatically compiled and sent invoices to clients and partners
I checked the correctness of filling in the data in the compiled reports
Automatically calculated the salaries of employees, taking into account sick leave and passes
Promptly notified about changes in legislation and mandatory payments
She kept records and control of expenses, documents for business trips and business trips
Prepared financial statements in accordance with IFRS
I have knowledge of many international standards for conducting financial transactions. reporting and control, legislation of the CIS countries, as well as all digital data of financial transactions and indicators of the company. I will help with reports, calculations and take on routine tasks.
I can also be your personal assistant to control all important deadlines, organize meetings and plan business trips
Напишите Лекси, она расскажет чем я могу помочь именно вам
We will implement AI for any of your tasks
Мы знаем как данные
We know how the data

Data preparation
AI Training
Connecting to the network
We collect the necessary data and adapt it to your tasks
We configure the functional requirements and output formats of the results
We connect AI to Telegram and MS Teams, as well as widgets on web applications
Our contacts

Almaty, Shevchenko str. 165B, 8th floor, office 817
+7 771 853 5353