Consulting and BI-strategy

We will help you implement a data driven approach to company management.
We share our experience, build the work of analytical departments

ASPEX employs certified BI analysts, Big4 auditors, UI/UX designers, programmers, financiers, marketers. We apply innovative methods of management, workplace organization and corporate culture based on the experience of Microsoft, Google and Zappos.
You can ask us any question or request a consultation
  • We will show you how to strategically plan and tactically manage a BI project
  • We will help you optimize the management of a BI project so that it meets business goals and conforms to global trends

Business generates data. The data generates reports. To prevent excel chaos from turning into BI chaos, form a BI strategy for the needs of your company and systematically develop analytics.
We will tell you how to implement a BI strategy, transform it into a list of initiatives for a year or more. We also prioritize the main changes of the company on the way to BI.

In projects, we use the best practices in all components of the project: from technical to organizational issues.

Yulia Gainutdinova / CEO

Examples of projects that we have successfully implemented

Since 2014, we have successfully completed over 320 projects, each of which is like a "child" to us that we love dearly
By becoming a client of ASPEX, you will gain a strong and engaged partner who will not only share accumulated expertise but also help to realize the boldest and most complex projects in the fields of architecture, data processing, and data analysis!

How do we do this?

Identifying the current situation
Maybe you have already taken some steps, or maybe you are starting from scratch. Let's find out how business processes and their problem areas are built
Setting goals
What does the company want to come to, what resources are there for this and where to get the missing ones
BI-strategy Creation
We will share a set of best practices on all components of the project: from technology to organizational issues. We will make an action plan and a list of initiatives for the year
Software and license optimization
We will help you save on unused software and not overpay
Consultation and support
for which you can contact us at any time


Do you want to discuss the project?
Almaty, Shevchenko str. 165B, 8th floor, office 817
The website is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances is it a public offer as defined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
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Do you want to discuss the project?
Almaty, Shevchenko str. 165B, 8th floor, office 817